Dorothy, Hye young and I went to Neimens in Beverly Hills this past saturday. My first 'real' beverly hills experience. It was like pretty women...not her first trip down rodeo drive...but when she goes shopping with Richard Gere. We walk to the door and there are guys there to open the door for you. Wow - fabulous. Then Doro and I look for baby clothes for a friend and look at the price tag and run away. We find HY at the LeMer counter. I have no idea wat La Mer is. But HY had a coupon for a free blush. And she uses Le Mer. She said it's very good for dry skin. and I have dry skin. So we try the creme. You must rub it between your fingers to 'activate' it and then tap it onto your face. I was rubbing it all over my face and the lady scolded me! Oops. It was invented by some guy who had burns on his face and was trying to get rid of it. So Dorothy and I got suckered into buying the new sunblock they have for $65. Dorothy describes it as the size of your index finger. But it's a little bigger than that! But - yes close to the size of your index finger. We sOOO got suckered.

However we did get a nice sample of the face creme. I started using it on sunday. Today is tuesday. and actually my skin is REALLY better! It's less red and smoother. WOW. it's pretty good. I just might go back and buy it. But I will buy it in arizona for 7.5% tax instead of California with 10% tax. If possible I might sucker one of the girls in VA to get it for me there for 5% tax. HAHAHA. oh yes the price...$230 for this small dinky jar that supposedly lasts you 5-6 months, but HY uses it in 4 months. uh....yeah after i'm done with the sample my skin better look bangin'! the sales lady was super good though. Those people at neimans are well trained.
So we start walking out with our $65 dollar plus 10% tax purchase and that is when we meet ShuShu. Shu Shu is the perfume sales lady for Clive Christian. She is korean with madd plastic surgery, huge botox lips and looks like cleopatra. Cleopatra hair and all. But she was the best sales lady I ever met in my life and very friendly. She stops us to try some perfume. I HATE perfume. I said no. but dorothy and HY get some. Then she goes on for 10 minutes about this perfume. Things I learned from Shu Shu about Clive's fragrance:
Made for kings and queens - hence the crown cap
Makes your boyfriend go BANANAS (exact word was bananas) in bed
All celebrities wear it. Katie Holmes wore the huge diamond gold one that costs $5000 on her wedding day
They pick a thousand petals at dawn every day to make this perfume
There are 170 flowers in each drop
Most expensive perfume on the market
Koreans love it
Price - $310 for green bottle. $350 for black bottle. $865 for gold bottle. $5000 for bottle katie holmes bought with diamonds on top. Why do you need diamonds on your perfume bottle? Can't you use the money to feed the people in tent city in Sacramento who lost their jobs and homes and have to live in tents on a field by the railroad tracks?

But the sales pitch did not stop there. She walked us over to the counter to show us the NEW travel kit they have with all three for ONLY $310. yeah right. PUHLEASE. but i will tell you that she made us feel so beautiful, and elegant, and all three of us probably would have bought that darn travel kit if we stayed any longer. If any lonely depressed woman talked to ShuShu...they would be out the door with thousands of dollars of perfume. Dorothy just said "I don't have american express." HAHAHA.
So we then run out of the store before someone else tries to sucker us and who open doors give us a nice goodbye.
Please visit the Beverly Hills Neimens for a good time.
La Mer is what all the celebrities use. I hope you sprayed two poofs of the perfume = 340 flower petals!