So I went and met the trainer today. I LOVE HIM!
Ok not IN love with him. But he is very very cool. I was very surprised. He is
oo la la. But he doesn't look Brazilian. He looks white. And he has a cool accent. oh and he is RIPPED! like o m g. hahaha. Cool things about him:
- number 3 ranked trainer in the world. Or was it US?
- Used to be a figure skater (uh hahaha)
- Calls me jeeem. uh maybe he says jean but i cant tell. so funny
- he went to med school in Brazil and did residency in NY for sports medicine
- was personal trainer for John Kerry and wife in DC for 2 years. lived in a hotel in gtown the whole time. said it was boring because he had no life
- went to hawaii for honeymoon and told me cool things about what to do in hawaii
- makes me feel comfortable
What is this guy doing at equinox? but...ugh i HATE the sales people at equinox. SO freakin pushy! buy this buy that. I didn't even join yet! hahaha. It costs an arm and a leg. What to do! Thank goodness for corporate discount. I don't have to pay the FIVE HUNDRED dollar initiation fee. WHAT THE. and my monthly is 137 instead of 158. UH COME ON! isn't this just RIDICULOUS? WHERE IS XSPORT!?!?!?!?! And the training sessions are way more unreasonable. Gym is just ridiculous, but trainer is awesome.
Do I join and train with Brazilian guy? Or do I go elsewhere? Please say something to make me come back to reality before I pay the amount of a car down payment to join this gym and train with Mr. figure skater.
workout for today: 6 mins. puhahahahaha
*edit* I just called 24 hour fitness and LA fitness. Dude do I really need Mr. ballarina? I mean Mr. figure skater?
Membership: 137 a month. 1 year contract
Trainer: 100 per session - top trainer - #3!
PLUS - Lap pool in westwood and manhattan beach. not santa monica though
24 hour fitness:
Membership: 650 total for THREE YEARS
Trainer: 1100 for 20 sessions (but only 700 for the first 20 sessions! special going on) - trainers designed training program on biggest loser the show! (i'm sure not the trainers i would have though)
plus: HAS A LAP POOL in santa monica!
LA fitness:
Membership: 39.99 a month no contract
Trainer: 29-59 per session depending on how many you get - sales mgr was crazy and just said trainers were the bomb and if i knew more than then he would hire me. uhhh crazy guy
i think the answer is clear. NOT TO EQUINOX! EQUINOX = CRAJEE
will be hittin up 24 hour fitness tomorrow night. LA fitness dude was too weird
HEY JEAN, you can get Costco 24 hour fitness membership for CHEAP. look on costco.com. I think you should go with the cheaper places unless you think you need the brazilian to really motivate you!
ReplyDeleteUgh. I've never lived in LA, but I think that's way too much. You just have to think about what you're looking for. It seems like that gym is super trendy or for crazy insane fitness freaks. There's probably a better deal out there for sure. As soon as you wrote that it was the amount of a car payment, that pretty much did it for me. Even if the trainers are really awesome, it doesn't mean that there aren't awesome trainers elsewhere and for cheaper. And remember, they're going to boast all their cool facts cause they're trying to sell you that package. I think the only way that gym would be totally worth it for that price is if you were there like...5 times a week for two hours at a time or to the point where it felt like you lived there.
ReplyDeletehaha...that's my view at least. luv you.