Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Missing those extravagant purchases

Living in Los Angeles has changed the way that I budget my money.  I went from making $200 plus purchases on almost a daily basis to $0 dollar purchases!  The line between necessities and wants has definitely been drawn with a big thick black line.  I never realized how much money I spent on shopping till I stopped shopping.  You would think that getting a raise meant you would have more money.  But it doesn't help that rent is double and taxes are higher!  So in reality, I have less money.  WHAT in the world. 

I have been wanting an espresso maker.  And I came across this one today.  A handheld espresso maker!  I WANT IT!  $169.  I guess in the long run it is cheaper than getting a Grande Americano from starbucks everyday.  But when is the "long-run" ever over?  I live in the hear and now.  The long run does me no good.  HOWEVER - my favorite season IS coming up.  MY BIRTHDAY AND CHRISTMAS all in one swoop. is what on my list!  And the only thing on my list!  Handheld Espresso Maker!


  1. Let's do a Return on Investment analysis. You should be able to whip that up in no time. I use that thingy you bought me from Italy to froth the milk in my pretend cappucinos all the time! It's great =)

  2. Thanks! And YES the frother works fantastically and makes enough for two cappuccinos. Did you check out the blog linked from my entry? She even made a collage of me =)
