Monday, October 19, 2009

Another LOL moment with Mom

Mom: They (company) are giving out so many jobs in Huntsville.
Me: Noooooooooooooooooo.  What is your problem!  You can't go there. There are bad people there.
Mom: What?  Redneck?
Mom:  Racist? Is redneck a bad word?
Me:  HAHAHAHA HOW do you know that word?
Mom: Of course I know that word.  My mexican coworker told me not to go there because they have restaurants for only white people
Me: Then why do you want to go there
Mom: Cheaper
Me: Tucson is already cheap.  I think as you get older your brain doesn't work
Mom: My brain may not work but I'm going to keep working
Me: Ok.  Stop talking about Huntsville. Bye Bye. parents made me go to college in VA and wouldn't let me go to college in any other state.  Then I start my freshman year and a few months later they move to FL then to AZ. 

Now...I move to California to be closer to my family and they are trying to move back to the other side of the country.  Is there a theme going on here?!


  1. Huntsville really is supposed to be booming. We'd be living the sweet life. We can start the first Lotte there...
