Friday, October 9, 2009

Pumpkin Carving

These are the biggest pumpkins I've ever seen. This is at vons. It made me want to carve pumpkins! I think I will host a pumpkin carving dinner party. Last time I carved a pumpkin was at sungsill's house in Lorton in 2004. I dressed up as a gangsta. How lame. In 2005 I was the coffee villian. In 2006 I tried to be a country bumkin or something, but I ended up staying home. In 2007 I was in Italy and they don't do halloween. In 2008 I was a fortune cookie. YES a fortune cookie...nothing else. In 2009 I will be...I don't know!!!! I'll tell you when I figure it out.


  1. How did you dress up as a coffee villain? I liked your fortune cookie costume- so creative!

  2. Haha i had a cape with coffee filters and stirrers. and i ironed on all these evil logos of coffee shops. hahahaha.
