Friday, August 28, 2009


Many things can bring about nostalgia. The 2 things that make me remember the past vividly are music and smells. Today, something different made me reminisce about the past.

I was walking into the office and saw a little green bug on my shirt. Don't get me wrong, I hate bugs with a passion. If it was a spider or cockroach crawling on me, I would have screamed and did a 'get the eff off of me' dance. I once saw a huge sprocket in my bathtub. I had to cover it with something and call Yoojung to come over and kill it. But this little tiny green bug was harmless. I forget what they are called. Google image didn't find me my little green bug either. But I remember playing with them when I was little. Growing up in Long Island with a huge forrest behind my house, I played with a lot of bugs. Little green bugs, caterpillars, slugs, daddy long legs, ladybugs, and my favorite, lightening bugs!

This little green bug somehow reminded me of how I used to try and catch lightening bugs every night during the summer. I would run around my backyard with a plastic cup trying to catch them. My dad would catch it in his hands and I would watch it glow.

A friend from SF visited me in Nova a few years back. He saw a lightening bug and went crazy. After almost 30 years of life, he had never seen a lightening bug. Thinking about that made me a little sad about living in California and missing out on mother nature's wonders that I grew up with, especially watching the seasons change. No longer will I ever rake the yard, pile up leaves, and then jump in it. I won't get to wake up, see everything covered in white powdery snow, turn on the news, see that the office is closed, and go make a snowman. But I am so glad that I got to experience those things while growing up. This moment of nostalgia really jump started my day on a good note. Thanks mom and dad.

To all you parents out there, don't forget that we still remember everything we did as a child and we still think about it when we are adults. Make every moment the best moment.


  1. So fireflies don't live in Cali? I just saw one last night, but I feel like there are definitely fewer these days than when I was a kid.

  2. I've never seen one before either!
