Monday, August 17, 2009

I want a Typewriter

I think it's finally time to start my book. I've been wanting to write a book for a while now. I thought that moving to LA would be the right time to do this since I would have no friends and lots of free time. I was wrong. I've had no free time. But now all the visitors have come and gone, and all my traveling is winding down for 2009. It's time to get my LA life on a roll. I would really like to get a typewriter to write my book with, but I guess that is just too old school. I won't even be able to use spellcheck.

I have some ideas of what I want to write about, actually too many ideas. Any suggestions? What kind of books do you like to read? What compels you to pick up a book (other than the cover)?

1 comment:

  1. I like historical fiction about people from other countries. You know, like Kite Runner and Brick Road types. I like pretty covers, soft pages, and big print. These eyes are getting old. Soon I'll have to read with my book 3 feet from my face.
