Monday, December 7, 2009

Georgetown in Los Angeles

Last week Miriam told me she was sending Hye Young and I a surprise!  Hmm...wonder what it could be.

Then she said "it's perishable." And then DING DING DING...GEORGETOWN CUPCAKES?!?!?!

She said no. But I just had this feeling.  What else could it have been? A cheesecake? Omaha steaks?  A giant fortune cookie? (har har.) 

On thursday Miriam said it looks like my package arrived!  Me and HY rushed to my apt to see our package.  We had this great plan to video tape our reaction to our gift. If it was gtown cupcakes like we guessed, we would send her the video.  We even had a plan to cover the package and not read the box so we can go inside and get my camera.  But...there was no package. We were really sad and walked away with our heads hung low. 

Finally...the package arrived on Friday!  But HY went to SD so we couldn't open it together. But Guess what it was?! YUP!  GEORGETOWN CUPCAKES!  O M G!!!!

I don't know when the cupcake craze started.  But there was sprinkles in LA. And magnolia in NYC.  And then cupcake shops were popping up everywhere. THEN we got georgetown cupcakes! I remember when it first opened I was SO excited.  I can't remember who I ventured there with first.  It was with someone who was visiting me in DC.  After that, we were all crazy about gtown cupcakes.  My favorite is strawberry banana and then Red Velvet. But really, ALL their cupcakes are good.  Why gtown? I hate buttercream frosting.  It's really nasty.  I think I hate it because I took cake decorating with Rebecca and we had to make so much buttercream. The ingredients are pretty unappetizing.  I never ever ate it. But georgetown's frosting is just so good.  They have many different flavored icings.  Out of the 20 or so cupcake shops I've tried, gtown is STILL my favorite. Hands Down!!

My cupcake adventures actually started with Miriam.  In Winter of '05/'06 Miriam made me walk about 50 blocks and wait in line for an hour in NEGATIVE 20 degree weather for Magnolia cupcakes.  WOW - am I a good friend or what?  I had Magnolia before, but I never waited in line for them.  See Miriam with the cupcakes?  (Wow...this was 4 years ago!  you can totally tell by how young miriam looks.  Where has your youth gone? haha jk.)  We were frozen solid that we just ran into any restaurant and ate a super expensive dinner because we were so cold we couldn't go outside again.  But it was OK cause James paid.  =P  AND Miriam and Gtown cupcakes definitely go hand in hand. When Miriam and Jun started dating, Jun would go to gtown at least once a week and buy her a big box of cupcakes. And yes she ALWAYS shared! So I got to have a cupcake every week without even going to gtown. Sometimes twice a week. keke.

The long awaited gtown cupcakes!  HELLO OLD FRIEND!

Isn't the box SO pretty!?  I'm definitely doing something with this.  (Now HY will see this pretty box that I secretly KEPT!)

This box is also so pretty.  Another great storage container. (Sorry HY. you want the box?)

A very sweet note from Miriam.  Written by some gtown cupcake employee with bad handwriting.  Miriam has beautiful hand writing.  This is definitely not written by her. haha.

AND...THE CUPCAKES! OOO THE CUPCAKES!  There is chocolate peppermint, gingerbread, red velvet, and vanilla snowball (cocunut).  I only ate half of a gingerbread cupcake so far.  It's so sweet that I can't finish a whole one in one sitting.  I put 4 in the freezer and gave the rest to Hye young.  Gtown says you can freeze it. Then defrost it for 3 hours before eating. But do not refrigerate.  I think I will try a chocolate peppermint today.  Man I will be staring at a melting cupcake for 3 hours.

THANK YOU SO MUCH MIRIAM!  This was a great surprised! Sorry we ruined it by asking if it was gtown cupcakes every 10 minutes.  =P


  1. hi jean!!! wow you guys are lucky ducky's!!!

    your first time was with dina and yamuna i think... u went and brought me some to mccormick's happy hour... someone said they weren't impressed - i wanted to punch their lights out.

    and guess what!!! i found their recipe for chocolate cupcakes today! try it out and let me know if this is the REAL THING!
