Friday, December 18, 2009


age is just a number age is just a number age is just a number age is just a number age is just a number age is just a number age is just a number age is just a number age is just a number age is just a number

Today is my last day being 28 years old according to the western calendar.  Since my birthday is so close to new years it has always represented a closing of one chapter and opening of another.  A year older and a new year.  I've had a big transition in my life.  And I thought it appropriate to reflect on this past year. 

28 Most Memorable Moments of being 28
1.  Of course I have to start off with my 28th birthday party.  It was my last birthday living in Nova and it was probably the most memorable one.  After a great dinner at heebeen we went off to ARA, annandale's very own korean cheers, where you will always see your "sam, woody, and norm." The next day the girls surprised me by taking me to Dr. Fish for a pedicure. Yes, Dr. Fish.  I think it is so memorable because it was the first time I was ever surprised. 
2.  I did it!  PRK!  (painful corrective eye surgery).  Poor Dina stayed with me while I was drugged out in bed in the most physical pain I think I've ever had in my life.  (But who actually remembers physical pain.) 
3.  Obama's Inaguration!  Right smack in the middle of DC.  Peace Love and Happiness

4.  I've had so many goodbye parties my friends tell me they will never throw me one again.  But sure enough, they did and this was one of the craziest at John's MTV cribs. 
5.   HELLO LOS ANGELES!  Dragging my huge suitcases up the stairs at Oakwood apts in Marina Del Rey to check in for my month long temporary stay.  It was the Italy train station stairs all over again.  Blah!
6.  Driving around LA half blind because of my PRK.  It's amazing how helpless you feel when you lose one of your senses. 
7. Having total painful indigestion problems from who knows what
8.  Living with Annie and Linn for 5 months.  Always coming home to a clean house and dinner on the table.
9.  Miriam's Bachelorette in Las Vegas and still being sick and Jisun trying to "sohn ddah" and slapping my back.  Hahahaha. Have to laugh at that
10.  Miriam's outrageously fun wedding back in Virginia.  Who knew JMU and Tech could get along.

11.  BBQs at Kevin's house and trying on military gear
12.  Annie's beautiful wedding in Hawaii

13.  Seeing an errupting volcano

14.  Swimming with dolphins in the open water

15.   Taking Sora to the dog beaches many times and watching him have so much fun.  And him trying to fight coyotes and then running away.
16.  Kim Gun Mo concert where I saw mom go crazy

17.  First awesome bonfire at hungtington beach which Mike invited us to

18.  All those fun trips to San Diego visiting Susan and Dorothy and SORA of course
19.  First trip to Disneyland as an adult with Dina. Oh those caramel apples

20.  Sharon getting married

21.  Bike riding at venice beach
22.  Sailing at the Marina with Jackie
23.  My mom buying 1000 polos in Fashion District just because she's a korean ajuma that can't help buying "sale" things
24.  Michael Jackson Karaoke night with HY, Ruth, and Brian
25.  Gtown cupcakes at my front door
26.  Spectrum with HY stalking JMU guy
27.  Enormous amount of visitors!  Mari, Lisette, Sungsill, Dina, Michi, Miriam, Jun, Jungeun, Newt, John
28.  And the most memorable for this year is...the crazy talks, venting sessions, brunchcapades, and church hopping with Hye Young.

So thanks for a great year twenty eight.  Goodbye forever. 

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