Monday, December 14, 2009

2nd December Visitor

Yup...2nd weekend in December = 2nd visitor.  John came to visit this weekend.  Downside, it rained all weekend.  Our tourist accomplishments: the palm tree outside Jean's balcony.  Sean also sort of visited.  Since John was here, he crashed with us all weekend too. 

But look what we DID accomplish!  Well, me and sean accomplished. 

We took a nice stroll through ktown plaza and then gallaria since there was nothing else to really do.  At gallaria these college art students were selling some crafts.  One girl was giving clay lessons for 5 bucks!  So of course...I sat down and made something!  I made John and Sean sit next to me and wait the whole time.  Oops...sorry.  But I freakin' had a blast.  Didn't even know they were there.  Hahaha.  Best moment of the whole clay session was this conversation with my college student teacher:
College Student: "So are you in High School or College?"
Need I say more?! 

In ktown plaza Sean found a gundam Toy.  Hahahaha.  He had to buy it and make it. 

This is how we played with our new friends:

This is what John accomplished.  Threw everything into my room to prepare for the arrival of my new roomie.  I just watched.  Thanks for your labor Johnnie.

And yes their stay was paid for by vacuuming the whole apartment!  Cause well...we all know no one can vacuum better than John.

Even though we did absolutely nothing, I had so much fun. Thanks for visiting!  Another re-union to come in March.

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