Tuesday, May 26, 2009

XS is not extra small


I haven't been to vegas in a long while. Not since New Year's 2008! That is a very long time for me! I used to frequent the las vegas casinos on a monthly basis when I lived in Arizona. This time around, I had no idea where the hot spots were. Alex suggested XS at the new Encore. After looking at some hot pictures on Encore's website, we decided XS will be the club to visit.

If you are in the neighborhood, visit XS! I LOVE this club. We got there at 9pm. By 9:30, the line started wrapping. Girls were $20 and guys were $150. The night before girls were $60 and guys were $100. But thanks to Ruth's friend, we got in for free.

The biggest reason I loved this club was because we got to lounge by the pool dunking our feet in. There was a lot of seating. The music wasn't so loud that you couldn't hear each other. The actual 'club' part was inside and it was definitely 'bumpin.' but this outside poolside part was a great lounge area! Also in the center bar area, they had tables going. gambling at the club. I love it. If I didn't have major acid reflux problems, I would have seriously had a blast. Because I felt horrible, I just had to enjoy soaking my feet in the pool.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


  1. Poor girl. Hope you feel better.

  2. Are you sure about the pool? How come no one else was out there? Also, didn't we see you in Vegas recently? It wasn't New Years. Memorial Day 2008? I think so. But also true that it was a LONG time ago.

  3. oh yeah. oops. you are right. memorial day weekend 08. oopsies. hehehe. i had vertigo then. i think i am always sick in vegas. means i should stay away.
