On Friday Mark and company took me and HY to Father's Office. FINALLY! After all of Linn's raving about father's office, I finally got to go. Although, I have to admit that I did want some ketchup with my burger and sweet potato fries. What's wrong with ketchup on my food? Nothing! And there was an obnoxious amount of beer choices which was nonetheless - totally awesome. Would definitely go back just for the beer. I had a something
noir. Weird name for a beer. Sounds like a wine. It was a dark beer but very light tasting and a little sweet.

The office burger

Sweet potato fries
We went to Pacoima which is north (I think. Far.) Which we were told was the projects, but it didn't look like the projects at all! LA is weird like that. Don't judge a book by its cover.
Interesting little story. I stopped by starbucks in the morning to get us some coffee. I threw out some old drinks that were in my car in the trash outside. While standing in line I saw a homeless person go through the trash and took out my half full mango smoothie from the day before. He opened the cap, smelled it, tasted it, and then threw it back. I guess it was very rotten. It was a really horrible and sad sight. I wanted to do something, but I didn't know what. I don't really know what to do when I see homeless people. It was something that I needed to see before going to pack food boxes to feed people who don't have any food. It was a true testament to what these organizations do. So when I got to the warehouse, I had more of an understanding of how me bagging pasta would impact other people. When you pack food boxes or help at food banks usually you go because you want to do something good. You want to volunteer doing something. And usually you casually do some labor work and laugh with friends that you go with. But in the end, the food that you are boxing up is really helping someone out there. I need to incorporate this into my daily life.

Lots of pasta bagged.

Great success!
Afterwards we were spent. But headed to ktown to get oil changes for both our cars and tried some dongchimee gooksoo. Very refreshing for a hot hot day. California tempature is really crazy. First we were in the valley - 93 degrees with the sun scorching. Then ktown - 83 degrees. As soon as I hit santa monica - 72 degrees and foggy.
I knocked out. Then got up at night to head out to Mike and friends' Bonfire at huntington beach that we crashed. Driving to OC was like a roadtrip. Wow - far. But it was really relaxing. Even got to see Rob and his peoples afterwards.
Usually HY and I try to check out a new brunch place every weekend. So on sunday we went to Cafe Dana on Montana. At first it took us about 20 minutes to order because nothing on the menu really sounded that appetizing. Finally we decided to share the smoked salmon plate and the house scramble. Both delicious! I love pumpernickel with cream cheese and lox and I was really craving eggs because I love breakfast food. Perfect combination for brunch.

All in all it was a pretty eventful weekend thanks to some new and old friends.
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