Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Workout Update
Last week: I can't remember exactly what I did. But I know I was at the gym.
Monday: cardio. and ran 7 minutes straight! Nice.
Tuesday: cardio
Wednesday: was a lazy bum
Thursday: 60 minute cardio with 2 pound wrist weights including 10 minutes straight running (without the weights)! yay! I remember this day only cause I pushed myself the most.
Friday: cardio
Saturday: um...does standing for 2 hours count?
Sunday: was a lazy bum
This week:
Monday: 45 minutes cardio. 100 variations of crunches. thanks to HY I made it to the gym. I REALLY did not want to go. I almost drove out of the gym parking lot to go home.
Today: Going swimming. I even brought my leg weights for the pool. I'm sure I will pass out as soon as I get home.
Tomorrow: Will take power pump. Need to pump some iron!
Thursday: Will do cardio in the AM since Dina will be here in the evening.
Friday-Monday: Dina will be here! I may have to forgoe the gym. I will have to incorporate physical activity somehow.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Weekend Update
The office burger
Sweet potato fries
Usually HY and I try to check out a new brunch place every weekend. So on sunday we went to Cafe Dana on Montana. At first it took us about 20 minutes to order because nothing on the menu really sounded that appetizing. Finally we decided to share the smoked salmon plate and the house scramble. Both delicious! I love pumpernickel with cream cheese and lox and I was really craving eggs because I love breakfast food. Perfect combination for brunch.
All in all it was a pretty eventful weekend thanks to some new and old friends.
Foodies Unite
I only have a very small handful of friends that like to splurge on a great meal with me. And one is DINA! Who will be arriving in LA this thursday.
Now...the foodie in me finally gets to come out and explore the best of LA's cuisine! There are so many places I want to check out. But with the limited time that we have, I had to cut down the list.
1. BOILING CRAB! The fun begins with boiling crab on thursday night in Garden Grove.
2. CAFE FIRENZE! On friday we will head all the way up to Moorpark for lunch at Fabio's restaurant! (Fabio from top chef that is. Yes the hot italian guy) Just so the drive isn't wasted, we will stop by camarillo on the way back. (If it's on the way back because my geography skills basically suck)
3. STEFAN'S AT LA FARM! Friday's dinner will be at Stefan's restaurant in Santa Monica. Yes the bald finnish guy from top chef. Is he finnish?
4. CRAFT! Sunday night we will head to Tom Colicchio's restaurant. Ok it's not Craft in NY, but whatever. Same Craft. =D
5. GORDON RAMSAY AT THE LONDON! Monday night before Dina's flight out we will have some awesome french food by Hell's kitchen star!
Also on the list is Boa's steakhouse in SM and Mario Batali's restauarant Osteria Mozza. I also want to check out Jar. My goodness too many. But I think the above 5 are good for now. Next tuesday you will see an awesome foodie post full of pictures!
Also Susan is tentatively coming Oct 17 and we are also planning to have an LA foodfest! That will be more of a hunt for the best hole in the walls.
October will be a great foodie month. But of course, I will be pumpin iron hard core inbetween!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Eatz Flight to India Cooking Class
- Garlic Naan from Scratch
- Chat Masala Chicken Skewers
- Green Cilantro and Peanut Chutney
- Spicy Chicken Coconut Curry with Basmati Rice
- Rose-Tinged Rice Pudding
- Wine: Sauvignon Blanc
Take the Streets
Monday, September 21, 2009
Workout Recap
Friday: Went swimming for 40 minutes. HY looked really bored so we didn't make the 1 hour mark. Nonetheless, I got home, ate dinner and could not move. I passed out at 8pm on a friday night. I don't know what it is about swimming. I love it and when I am swimming laps it's so fun and I feel like I can keep going. But afterwards, I am totally beat to the point where, unless I seriously force myself to move, I'd prob fall asleep sitting straight up on the couch.
Saturday: Went to the Palisades gym overlooking the ocean. 10 minutes on the treadclimber. 25 minutes on the treadmill. 30 minutes on arms. I ran for 5 minutes straight on the treadmill. Berry berry proud of me! woohoo. And I think I pushed myself a little more on weights. I could definitely feel the burn and on sunday I was sore.
Sunday: I did nothing. I was totally out of commission from going out sat night. Oops. I keep forgetting that my body cannot handle that anymore.
This week was supposed to be the beginning of my 1200 calorie eating and hitting the gym in the AM. Because I basically slept all day yesterday I couldn't fall asleep at night! So no AM workout today. And I'll be home really late tonight, so that means no AM workout tomorrow. I will do an AM workout on wed or thurs. But i will definitely still be hitting the gym after work today.
And again my excuse of being out of commission on sunday, I never made it to the grocery store. This morning's breakfast is 600 calories. SHOOT! that's half my calories. I stopped at starbucks instead of coffee bean to get my americano cause I wanted to go through the drive thru. And starbucks had a big ad for PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE! I LOVE pumpkin anything! Why oh why! Pumpkin reminds me of fall, probably my favorite season with Halloween and thanksgiving. And not having fall weather here, it made me want it more! So I got a grande non-fat pumpkin latte with no whip. 260 calories. I am such a sucker. But...it was SO GOOD! I don't regret having my pumpkin spice latte today. I rarely get those kind of drinks, and it was just oh so delish! And then I just went ahead and ordered a turky bacon sandwich. Which I didn't eat yet. Maybe if i eat half for breakfast and half for lunch, I can still make my 1200 calorie mark for the day! UGH!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
How many pieces of clothing is sufficient?
To go along with the new workout routine, I decided to revamp my closet and apt. My place is a mess. I realized that I have way too much clothes.
Here is closet #1. Play clothes.
Here is closet #2. Work clothes and coats. note that this closet also goes in further on the right and left.
Here is another 9 pairs of pants I need to get altered.
I still have one trunk full of sweaters that I will probably never wear here in California. I also ended up donating 3 garbage bags of clothes. When I left VA 6 months ago I also donated 3 huge bags of clothes. I own a ridiculous amount of clothes. Yet, I still feel like I never have anything to wear. I don't even want to get into my shoe and bag collection. I can't seem to get rid of enough even when I try to do some spring cleaning. I'm trying to get to the point where I can fit all my belongings to 2 suitcases. I just can't let go yet.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Negative 20 pounds gets me Nobu Omakase
So I bet johnny boy for a 200 dollar meal. A person that is.
Now I must once again log my healthy eating and gym habits.
This week was my warm-up week. Meaning, try to get back into the gym groove. Needed to gain some endurance and feel good
Monday: 40 Minutes on the treadmill at different intervals.
Tuesday: 5 Minutes on the treadclimber (new contraption, I think I might go on this more often). 20 minutes on the treadmill. 20 minutes working on arms. 10 minutes on abs.
Wednesday: 30 Minutes on the treadmill. 20-30 Minutes on legs.
Today, Thursday: Will do Jack. Just cause.
Tomorrow, Friday: Plan is to do laps for 1 hour.
Saturday: Plan is to go on the treadmill for 45 minutes at the Pallisades gym staring at the Ocean.
Sunday: Plan is to do jack again. Do all my healthy food shopping.
Will also clean house all weekend reorganizing so that will also be a form of burning calories =D
Ate whatever I felt like. And will also eat whatever I feel like till Sunday.
Monday - Friday
-Laps for 30-45 minutes every morning before work to get that metabolism going for the day.
-Cardio and weights after work with Miss HY or an evening workout class.
-Tennis one night with Annie hopefully =D
-eat 1200 calories a day.
Treadmill watching ocean at pallisades again
Do Jackity Jack!
We'll see how week two goes.
What goes on in our subconscience

Friday, September 11, 2009
Remembering 9/11

Gathering at Tucson Electric Park to create a human flag as a tribute to those lost in 9/11. In 2001, the girls and I wore blue and went to Tucson Electric Park. We are in the bottom middle of the blue square of the flag. This was also later put on a billboard in New York. source
Today is the “National Day of Service and Remembrance” which was established by President Obama and Congress. I decided that I must create a post for today because I had to be reminded by Jungeun this morning that today was 9/11. On the way to work I heard nothing on the radio about 9/11. No tributes or anything. I don't understand. I am hoping that I was just listening to the radio at the wrong time. Not one person in the office has even mentioned 9/11. Every year on 9/11 in my old office, people would talk about how they looked out the window of our building and saw huge black clouds of smoke from the attack on the Pentagon. And everyone always talks about where they were, what they were doing, and who they lost on that day. Today, not one mention. Is this really a hippie state?
It has been 8 years since the most devestating national event of my lifetime thus far. Every memory of that day, week, month is very vivid. Not that the most improtant thing isn't the tragedy that fell upon the nation that day, but something I remember greatly was Lee Greenwood blaring Proud to be an American on every station. I cannot think of any other moment in my life that I actually did feel proud to be an American and felt insanely patriotic. That week, it seemed like there was no distinction between race, color, gender, religion, the rich, the poor, etc. We were all just Americans. That was the only label we were putting on ourselves. All people thought about was, 'how can I help.' It's amazing how one tragic event, brings people together and makes you think 'maybe we COULD all get along.'
There's so much to be said about that tragic day, yet there is nothing to be said at the same time. Nothing that can change the past. Only things that can honor those who gave their lives to something unexplainable. I just want to thank everyone who is serving this Country right now. Thank you and God Bless you.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Patience is a Virtue...
I've started to realize how impatient and frustated I have been getting. I have always been one to get annoyed quickly when people are late or things are not done quickly. (Not that I am always on time. I don't know when it started, but I started to plan on being late because everyone else is and I hate waiting with a passion). But these days, it's ten-fold. I can't stand running errands because I don't want to wait in line. I hate valet parking all the time (a normalcy in LA) because I don't want to wait for the car. I hate work because I can never finish my things waiting on other people. I reflected on the reasons why I have been feeling this urgency all the time. I came to the conclusion that I am not less impatient, but I am slower to adapt to my surroundings than ever before.
After taking many many courses in my undergrad and masters on 'adapting to change' in a corporate environment and management skills necessary to incorporate change (blahblahblah), I finally realize why it's so hard to implement process improvements in the work place. As you get older, you really do start hating change.
Ok I digress. That last little thought has nothing to do what I am talking about. Just making a point that I am getting a little older. I just can't welcome new things into my life as well as I did before.
The westcoast lifestyle is so much more relaxed than the east coast. I am being nice when i say relaxed. cause really I just want to say slow and lazy. I am actually the one that needs to relax and I just can't. If you go to the store, the cashiers are slow and chit chat a lot with their coworkers or people in line making your wait time even longer. One guy at the gas station was on the phone...an obvious unimportant conversation with his friend...and he told me to wait! The customer! ummm...interesting. I cannot say that I was not annoyed. I walked into a restaurant/bar to get something and the two employees there were just talking to each other in an empty restaurant and not asking if I needed any help while I was blatantly standing in front of them staring. Seriously? Come on! Everyone loves to small talk too. Wherever you go. Opening the door for you, standing in the elevator, standing in line. I H A T E small talk. I don't care about your life and I'm pretty darn sure you don't care about mine. I will never see you again, I don't need to know your favorite color. (This is so un-christianly. Please pray for me. no joke). This type of attitude also flows into my work as well. But I won't divulge on those details. All I have to say is...where is the work ethic!? Is it just me? I always feel like I am in a rush. And since everything around me is even slower, I feel even more rushed and get even more frustrated.
I am a lazy person. Which is a bad trait. Is that even a trait? I won't pick up the shirt on the floor, unless it's cleaning day. I won't wash the dishes until there is at least 10 dishes in the sink. I like to sit on the couch and watch TV. But when it comes to work I am spot on and always meet deadlines no matter what. I don't complain to my bosses and never ask for an extension. I also expect the same from everyone else when it comes to their job, even those in the service industry. Only because the way you live your life is your own. The way you do your job always affects other people, whether it's negative or positive.
People here just take life as it comes. They enjoy chatting strangers up. Speed, or time for that matter, is not really an issue. Will I ever be able to get used to this? Probably not. But I need to just calm down and accept this new lifestyle or I will give myself another ulcer.
God...please give me patience. I need it.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Ja Myung Go

aka Princess Jamyung. Every monday and tuesday night, from 10-11, the korean channel airs Ja Myung Go. It even has subtitles for everyone who wants to watch it. I am obsessed with it. It is the ultimate love story. Two half sisters, both the daughters of a king, fighting over a prince from a neighboring kingdom which has now taken over Nanknang, the princess' kingdom. Action, drama, romance, I love it! Which princess will prevail? Jamyung (in blue), or Lahee (in orange). Usually I root for the heroine (Jamyung), but for some reason I feel for Lahee. Unloved, used, fighting for what she longs for. But given that it's yet another kdrama love story, I am 100% sure that Jamyung gets the guy.