I am going to San Diego this weekend. I am all packed and ready to head off after work. As soon as I walk in this morning my coworker goes 'hey aren't you going to SD today?' and I say YES. His reply was "there are giant squid attackings in SD. They are attacking scuba divers." HAHAHA. I think it is funny. Until someone gets hurt obviously. My reply in return was "well if I get attacked by one, I'll just eat it." I don't think he thought it was funny. He probably doesn't like squid the way I do.
This reminds me of one lazy weekend day when I was watching discovery or national geographic. One of those 'educational' channels. They had a documentary on a colossal squid that was caught in the antarctic. You can read an article on it here: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2008/04/photogalleries/colossalsquid-pictures/.

When they caught it I think the squid was dead. They brought it to some place in the UK? Or Australia? I can't remember. But people with funny british accents were on the show. They researched it and then soaked it in some preservation liquids and now it is in a museum. This thing was giant. Bigger than a person. Usually I would think that kind of stuff is disgusting and don't understand why these people want to poke and prod at things like that. But for some reason during this show all I wanted to do was EAT THE DARN THING! I sat there thinking of boiling it, cutting it up and dipping it in gochujang (spicy red pepper paste). And I kept thinking of how many hungry people that one squid could feed in Africa. But instead, they put it in a museum. They really must not like to eat squid. YUM!
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