Most of the girls arrived Wednesday morning. I drew some childish posters 2 days before to welcome their arrival. I was just too excited for a weekend with my girls. I can’t really divulge any happenings of string of events or post any pictures, but I will say that it was a trip to remember.
Although this was a celebration of our dear friend jisun’s upcoming marriage, it was more of a celebration of our friendships. There was a lot of reminiscing and of thinking back on how we have all been blessed by the other. At one point, in the car with jisun, we talked about all the fights we’ve had in the past. All the crazy fights we’ve had with each of our friends. And how blessed we are that everyone is so forgiving to make the friendship stronger instead of tearing it up. I did have to apologize in the car to jisun...5 years later...for making her upset on TWO occasions that I was oblivious to! Oooops. I must be stupid.
But back to the happier situation...some non blackmail pictures for your enjoyment!
The corn. Oh the corn. I will share one story. About the corn. I was sitting next to Hye Young. There was dead silence. All you can hear is chompchompchomp. And then I heard a big boom and a big ‘GASP’. I look over and the poor corn was in the sand only 1/5th eaten and a very shocked and sad look on the girl’s face. And my reaction? I just laughed uncontrollably. Oh the corn.
The saddest moment of the whole trip...goodbye
But Ji sun stayed a few more days!!! And like i said..if you visit, you better clean as payment!
In San Diego at La Jolla.
As my final note on this post: Congratulations Jisun. May your marriage be blessed with an abundance of love, honesty, loyalty, humility, and servanthood.
**Till our next reunion the day of the ceremony. Toodles girls! See you on gmail!